MP: The House of Representatives Will Vote To Extend Its Current Legislative Term Today

The House of Representatives is preparing to vote on extending the work of its current legislative term, which will officially end today, Tuesday.

A member of the Legal Committee, MP Raed Al-Maliki, stated, in a statement to the National Iraqi News Agency (NINA), that “today, Tuesday, the ninth of May, is the official date for the end of the work of the first legislative term, and the House of Representatives will decide in its session today to extend its work for a full month in the hope of completing the approval of the General Budget Law during the month of extension.

He added, “The House of Representatives will proceed to extend its current legislative term for a period of one month, starting today, Tuesday, for the purpose of approving the general budget only, which is one of the important legislations, and to proceed with the first and second reading of a set of other legislation.”

He added, “The new legislative term will witness the presentation of a package of important legislation, as well as interrogation requests that have completed all legal procedures.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency