Al-Mandalawi calls on the government to adopt a draft resolution to stop the Zionist aggression through diplomatic efforts

Baghdad, The Acting Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, called on the government to adopt a draft resolution to stop the Zionist aggression, impose the necessary measures to implement it in accordance with Article Seven, and hold the usurping entity accountable for violating international law and violating the United Nations Charter.

Al-Mandalawi said in a speech he delivered during his participation in the Fifth International Conference in Support of the Palestinian People, which was held by the Islamic Supreme Council: ‘International Quds Day passes this year, and the free world and the resistance fighters are accelerating towards victory in Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and Iraq,’ indicating: ‘Every jihad minute , and a martyr strengthens the right of the Palestinian cause and its centrality in the Islamic and humanitarian worlds.’

He renewed his commitment to the position of the Supreme Authority in Najaf, in the necessity of (preventing the occupation forces from continuing
to implement their plans to inflict more harm on the oppressed Palestinian people, and ending the tragedy of this honorable people that has been ongoing for seven decades by obtaining their legitimate rights and removing the occupation from their usurped lands).

He added: “Under the slogan (al-Quds is the conscience of humanity), today we stand with reverence in front of the sacrifices of the martyrs of Palestine and the Islamic and Arab resistance, and we salute the spirit of the two great martyrs, Hajj Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis and General Qassem Soleimani, and those who joined their ranks and followed their path. The two martyrs were embodied by their intellectual and jihadi presence in the field in all arenas and the fields are the importance of steadfastness and resistance to get rid of injustice and terrorism.’

The Acting Speaker of the House of Representatives expressed the House of Representatives’ condemnation of the terrorist and brutal attacks by the Zionist occupation entity, alerting the Security C
ouncil and the international order of the Zionist entity’s continued and blatant non-compliance with the resolutions of international legitimacy and its threats to international peace and security, calling on the government, through diplomatic efforts through the Arab and Islamic Group in the United Nations, to adopt a draft (the decision to stop the Zionist aggression, imposing the necessary measures to implement it in accordance with Article Seven, and holding the usurping entity accountable for violating international law and violating the United Nations Charter).

Al-Mandalawi called for continued support for the resistance in Palestine and its first line of defense in Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, the Islamic Republic of Iran and the entire world, while he thanked the efforts of those in charge of the conference, those who adopted and supported the Palestinian cause and the Palestinian people in striving to achieve their demands, liberate their land and return their refugees, and approve their right to se
lf-determination and to establish their independent state with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency