Transportation Minister receives ITU official

Mohammed bin Thamer Al Kaabi, Minister of Transportation and Telecommunications, received Mario Maniewicz, Director of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) Radiocommunication Bureau,


Adel Mohamed Darwish, Director of the Regional of the (ITU) for the Arab States was present.


Maniewicz attended the 31 Arab Spectrum Management Group (ASMG) and the Middle East and North Africa Spectrum Management Conference.


The meeting discussed the importance of strengthening international cooperation to develop the communications sector.


They also shed light on the work of the ITU and the importance of developing regulations over AI technologies and the utilisation of space for communications.


He thanked the ITU for their continuous support of Bahrain’s radio communications sector, affirming the ministry’s keenness to strengthen cooperation.


Al Kaabi reviewed Bahrain’s results during its participation in the July ITU Council held in Geneva.


Maniewicz praised Bahrain’s efforts during its participation in the work if the ITU, noting its progress in the communications sector.




Source: Bahrain News Agency