Amnesty draws bleak picture of refugees’ status in Austria

Amnesty International has drawn a bleak picture regarding refugees’ conditions in Austria.

In its annual report (2022-2023), excerpts of which were broadcast by the Austrian radio and television stations, said asylum seekers lack social assistance in some states.

It criticized some politicians for questioning human rights, repeatedly uttering rhetoric against human rights, thus feeding a public atmosphere against these rights.

Annemarie Schlack, Director of Amnesty International Austria, said in a statement that Austria has reached a cross-road in the struggle for human rights, warning that depriving people of their rights might lead to undermining the Austrian social fabric.

She criticized the holding of asylum seekers in tents and forcing them return across the borders.

Amnesty International revealed that 11,629 children seeking asylum disappeared in 2022, singling out the notorious refugee camp, Traiskirchen, located south of the capital Vienna, warning that the location is not suitable for settling children for a long time.

It called for appointing legal sponsors for the young refugees and minors with no parents.

Source: Kuwait News Agency