Al-Sadr tweeted: An end to the series of Israeli terrorist attacks against religious sanctities in Palestine must be put to an end

The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, denounced the series of Israeli terrorist attacks against religious sanctities in Palestine, Jihad and Ibaa.

Al-Sadr said in a text of his tweet in this regard, “After the demonstrations that took place in some Israeli cities against their politicians and their policies, the great evil stinky Yahoo hastened to play on the sensitive chord as they express. He sparked violence in Al-Quds Al-Sharif and Al-Aqsa to get rid of his opponents.

Al-Sadr continued in his tweet, “It must be put to an end. The Embassy of evil. If it does not work.. then another serious position must be taken.

Therefore, I say: The first solution is for Arab and Islamic countries to expedite the closure of Israeli Embassies in countries where there is an Embassy of evil.

Finally, he added, I ask God to protect our sanctities, preserve all our beloved people in occupied Palestine, and ward off the dangers of the mujahideen there.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency