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November 6, 2022

‫غلوبال تايمز: توطيد العلاقات الحديدية بين الصين وباكستان؛ مشاريع CPEC الرئيسية تتقدم على أنها “BRI ، التحديث الصيني يفيد الجميع”

بكين، 5 نوفمبر 2022 / PRNewswire / — أجرى الرئيس الصيني شي جين بينغ محادثات مع رئيس الوزراء الباكستاني الزائر محمد شباز شريف في قاعة الشعب الكبرى في بكين، وشريف هو أحد قادة العالم الذين زاروا الصين مباشرة بعد اختتام المؤتمر الوطني العشرين للحزب الشيوعي الصيني ( CPC ). وقال شي إن الصين على استعداد […]

Chebet and Lokedi of Kenya Win NYC Marathon Races in Debuts

Kenyans Evans Chebet and Sharon Lokedi made huge splashes in their New York City Marathon debuts Sunday.Chebet won the men’s race and Lokedi the women’s race in her first-ever marathon on an unseasonably warm day, with temperatures in the 70s making it…

South Korea’s DRX Crowned League of Legends World Champions

South Korean team DRX were crowned League of Legends world champions on Saturday after scoring a surprise 3-2 victory over compatriots T1 in a thrilling final of the eSports tournament in San Francisco.T1, the most successful team in eSports history, s…

Gold price rises to USD 1,658 per ounce

– Gold prices rose “strongly” to USD 1,681 per ounce at the end of last week’s trading, after the positive results shown by the monthly jobs report and the drop in the unemployment rate in the US.In a report, Kuwait Sabayik Company stated Sunday that g…

Passenger plane crashes into Lake Victoria — BBC

A Tanzanian passenger plane crash-landed on Sunday into Lake Victoria near the north-western Tanzanian town of Bukoba, the BCC monitored in Kuwait reported.More than 20 of the 49 passengers have been rescued, but these figures has not been officially c…